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REMEDIUM offers a wide range of dental services, including state-paid dental treatment under general anaesthetic and dental hygiene for children, as well as possible dental treatment for children under general anesthesia, which we perform under the supervision of certified, experienced specialists.
Missing a tooth can not only cause aesthetic problems and make it difficult to eat or speak but also harm health in the long term. The lack of teeth irreversibly contributes to the gradual shrinkage of the jaw bone, which results in a deterioration of the jaw joint functionality.
One of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth is dental prosthetics with bridge prostheses.
Unlike implants, when a dental prosthesis is installed on an implant placed in the position of a tooth, the dental prosthesis is attached to the adjacent teeth. To do this, it is necessary to grind the adjacent teeth so that they can serve as a support for the dental prosthesis.
At the REMEDIUM clinic, we provide any type of dental prosthetic work, including removable dental plates and structures, providing a custom treatment plan for every patient.
Price: from EUR 160
We offer the opportunity to become the owner of a more dazzling smile in less than 2 hours. To ensure this, we use the most modern teeth whitening device Philips Zoom 4! which is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide.
The whitening procedure is relatively simple: first, the gums are covered with a protective substance, while a special gel is applied to the teeth. The hydrogen peracid in its composition cleans the enamel from unwanted plaques or an unattractive shade of tooth enamel under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
This particular equipment allows you to choose up to 8 levels of whitening. So there’s no need to worry about your teeth being too dazzlingly white unless you want them to be.
Of course, before the procedure, our clinic specialist will check the condition of your gums and teeth, as well as possible contraindications.
Price: from EUR 250.00
Dental treatment with a microscope significantly increases the accuracy and
efficiency of treatment. It allows you to increase the field of vision up to 20 times compared to a regular dental mirror.
The microscope has quite a wide range of applications: from endodontics to dental prosthetics and implantology, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and root canal problems. Additionally, it’s possible to determine complex diagnoses: fracture of the tooth root canal or perforation of the root canal. It is especially useful to use a microscope for root canal treatment, as each tooth has one to five canals with an average diameter of less than one millimeter.
A microscope is an irreplaceable tool, with the help of which you can prevent the consequences of poor dental treatment when a fragment of the instrument remains in the tooth canal.
At the REMEDIUM clinic, we use the Flexion TwinLite model by the German manufacturer CJ-Optik, which can look so deeply and thoroughly into the patient’s oral cavity that absolutely nothing remains hidden from the doctor’s view.
Price: from EUR 300.00
Therapeutic dental treatment is the most common type of service for ensuring and treating dental health. This type of treatment not only deals with painful problems but also identifies greater possible risks.
The oral cavity is an aggressive environment where acid constantly acts on the teeth, often finding its way to the tooth enamel in the form of caries. It first damages the enamel of the tooth, creating a hole. If not detected in time, the caries continues its work of destruction, affecting the pulp until it becomes impossible to ignore. The pain becomes so unbearable that you have to go to the dentist. Even if your pain threshold is quite high and treatment of pulpitis does not seem very important, untreated pulpitis can cause even bigger problems, such as inflammation of the end of the tooth root or periodontitis. This is the moment when the pain becomes omnipresent and the possibility of losing a tooth is the best end result of this situation.
To avoid undetected caries and its devastating consequences, you need to take care of your teeth properly and visit the dentist at least once a year to make sure that the tooth enamel is not damaged.
Price: from EUR 90.00
Our clinic employs experienced dentists and surgeons who are able to find the most suitable treatment for each patient in the following cases: tooth extraction, diagnosis and removal of cysts, resection of the end of the tooth root, elevation of the base of the maxillary cavity or the so-called “sinus lift”, as
well as restoration of the jaw bone using the patient’s own or biocompatible tissue.
Before each procedure, we conduct thorough research, explaining the patient’s current condition, the importance of the recommended treatment or procedure, the processes, and the time and course of rehabilitation.
Price: from EUR 50.00
Almost everyone has heard the question – what to do with the so-called “Wisdom Teeth”?
Since they appear last in the growth process, they often cause bite problems, straining the adjacent teeth and bone structures.
In addition, these eighth teeth can be partially or even completely unerupted, often causing gingivitis or even cystic bone lesions.
To find out the potential risk of these teeth, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as well as perform X-ray examinations. If the doctor recommends the extraction, this service can be performed using anesthesia appropriate for the patient’s state of health.
Our clinic employs experienced specialists who have extensive experience in performing eighth-tooth extractions. Therefore, we can rightly be proud of the fact that we can solve any problem related to “Wisdom Teeth” problems: whether applying local anesthetic by a one-time injection or with the help of anesthesia.
Price: from EUR 160.00
This type of treatment includes everything related to the tooth’s nerve, the tooth’s root canal, and the tissue surrounding the tooth’s root.
At the moment when the inflammatory process has started in the soft tissue of the tooth – the pulp, the patient feels a sharp pain, receiving a signal that the nerve of the tooth and the blood vessels of the tooth canal have been damaged. In such moments, it is necessary to immediately visit the dentist, who will identify the problem and start cleaning the tooth canal.
If not done in time, the inflammation can turn into a chronic form, when the damage continues to spread, affecting the jawbone as well, even though the patient can experience this as a relatively minor discomfort that does not require immediate action.
However, any procrastination related to inflammation in the head should be taken seriously and not ignored. Usually, the cleaning of the tooth canal can be done in one visit, as long as the inflammation has not affected the jaw bone yet.
Price: from EUR 240.00
To get the most complete picture of the state of the client’s oral cavity, we use one of the most modern equipment in Latvia: a 3D Carestream 8200 computer tomograph and a panoramic X-ray.
It is a powerful, multifunctional X-ray machine capable of obtaining high-resolution three-dimensional images in seconds.
Thanks to modern software, the doctor has the opportunity to fully examine the condition of the patient’s oral cavity, accurately plan the place of implant placement, the distance to the sinuses, examine the root canals of the teeth, as well as determine the thickness and depth of the jaw bone.
Additionally, this powerful device can do all this quickly and with the minimum possible radiation dose.
Price: from EUR 40.00
X-ray of the upper jaw and lower jaw, performed with a special jaw examination apparatus, which allows you to accurately determine the health status of all teeth, as well as to determine changes in the structure of the tooth roots and the surrounding bone structure.
Since it is not easy for a non-specialist to remember the name orthopantomogram, this examination is most often referred to as a “panoramic dental X-ray”. It is a procedure that enables various dental specialists –
orthodontists, prosthetists, etc. to more accurately determine the diagnosis, the condition of the tooth roots and tooth canals, as well as teeth and bite defects.
Price: from EUR 25.00
To accurately determine the patient’s current and intended tooth-to-tooth relationship between upper and lowerjaws, it is recommended to perform a lateral cephalogram examination. This procedure is often referred to as a side X-ray of the face, which is done with the head fixed in a certain position.
This X-ray of the craniofacial area is performed to clarify the current and future relationship of the upper and lower jaw (maxilla and mandible) and to be able to take various measurements for orthodontic treatment planning. This examination helps determine the patient’s growth type with relatively high accuracy.
Cena: no EUR 25.00
In cases where it is necessary to carry out more serious manipulations, which can take several hours, patients are provided with general anesthesia. This type of narcosis ensures a complete “disengagement” of the patient, which is provided by the
anesthesiologist in a specially equipped room.
General anesthesia has become standard practice for oral surgical manipulations, dental implant placement, and wisdom tooth extraction procedures.
In order to be able to use sedation or general anesthesia in dental treatment, the patient must first come for a consultation, during which the general state of health is ascertained.
General anesthesia is the best way to achieve a high-quality final result in dental treatment for patients who have a pronounced dentophobia, or panic fear of visiting the dentist.
Cena: no EUR 220.00
Dental treatment using intravenous sedation is gaining in popularity. While the drugs administered by the anesthesiologist are taking effect, the dentist can qualitatively perform all necessary manipulations related to implantation, bone augmentation, wisdomteeth extractions or simply fixing the teeth if the patient has difficulty calming down during the treatment.
A half-awake patient is completely relieved of tension, providing an opportunity for the dentist to perform his work in a high-quality manner.
Intravenous sedation is safe because it is supervised by a specially trained anesthetist, who injects the sedative directly into the vein, making the patient drowsy.
This half-awake state is especially recommended for those who have a strong fear of visiting the dentist. That way the dentist will be able to do his work, and the patient will not remember anything about the procedure itself and will be able to go home after about an hour.
Cena: no EUR 160.00
One of the cornerstones of high-quality treatment is the compliance of the end-result with what was intended in the first place.
Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to obtain an accurate scan of the patient’s oral cavity: a visualization created with an intraoral scanner that allows the obtained image and data to be saved, used, or sent to a dental technical laboratory for the manufacture of a prosthesis.
This technology makes it possible not only to speed up the process of prosthetics, implant placement, and tooth position correction but also makes it possible to predict the result even before starting the treatment.
Cena: no EUR 50.00
Improper or careless tooth brushing inevitably leads to damage to the hard tissues of the teeth – thus facilitating the formation of caries. Additionally, some other problems may come along: inflammation of the gums, sensitive tooth necks, and even bad breath.
A dental hygienist will not only clean dental plaque but also help to avoid all the above-mentioned problems, as well as timely identify dental caries, toothmobility, and inflammation of the gums and take measures for their timely prevention.
Tartar buildup and plaque removal are usually performed with an ultrasound scanner and curettes, air-flow, as well as special manual tools. In addition, teeth are polished, interdental threading is performed, as well as the surface of the teeth is coated with a fluoride-containing gel for additional protection.
We highly recommended to visit a dental hygienist once every 6 or 12 months if the teeth are cleaned regularly and properly.
Cena: no EUR 40.00